Laboratory of Optical Processing and Networking,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology / School of Engineering, Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University, Laboratory of Optical Processing and Networking

  • Research
  • Members
  • Careers after graduation
  • Gallery
  • Achievement
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Emori (B4) gave presentation at IEICE Hokkaido Section Student Council Internet Symposium 2022.


Emori (B4) gave presentation at IEICE Hokkaido Section Student Council Internet Symposium 2022.


量子コンピュータを用いた測定誤差の定量的評価とゲートベンチマーキング (江守
陽規(北海道大学,学部4年), 岡本 淳, 富田 章久(北海道大学))

Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.


Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation (online).


今井 凌也



黒田 裕也



斎藤 理人

「時間周波数変換を用いた Round-Robin QKD プロトコルの実装」


高橋 雅也



チョウ シンルイナン



橋本 大輝


Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.


Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation (online).


芳形 悠生



松本 遼司



大山 友暉



江守 陽規


Careers after graduation page was updated.


Careers after graduation page was updated.

Members page was updated.


Members page was updated.

Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies


Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies

Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.


Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation (online).

Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.


Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation (online).


2020.2.13 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.
2020.2.7 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.
2020.2.5 Shuanglu Zhang (M2), Yuta Abe, Kawashima and Hayashi (M1) gave presentations at SPIE Photonics West 2020.
2020.2.5 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2019.12.17 Shiba (M2) gave presentation at The 33rd Symposium on Optical Communication Systems.
2019.12.16 Members page was updated.
2019.12.3 Maeda (D3), Mengying Jiang and Kawashima (M1) gave presentations at OPJ 2019.
2019.11.18 Ge (M2) gave presentation at QIT41.
2019.11.9 Maeda (D3), Mengying Jiang, Shen and Hayashi (M1) gave presentations at Joint convention of Institutes for Electrical, Information and Communication Engineers, Hokkaido Branches 2019.
2019.11.6 Maeda (D3) gave presentation at IWH 2019.
2019.10.23 Maeda (D3) and Lu (M2) gave presentations at ISOM 2019.
2019.10.22 Shuanglu Zhang (M2) and Kawashima (M1) gave presentations at ISOM 2019.
2019.10.18 Shiba (M2) gave presentation at OCS in October 2019.
2019.10.10 Members page was updated.
2019.9.21 Maeda (D3) gave presentation at The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting.
2019.9.20 Lu (M2) gave presentation at The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting.
2019.9.19 Kawashima (M1) gave presentation at The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting.
2019.8.28 Matsuura (M1) gave presentation at QCrypt 2019.
2019.7.9 Maeda (D3) and Shiba (M2) gave presentations at OECC/PSC 2019.
2019.5.21 Natsuki Abe (M1) gave presentation at QIT40.
2019.5.20 Matsuura (M1) gave presentation at QIT40.
2019.5.8 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2019.4.26 Members page was updated.
2019.4.2 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2019.3.25 Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies.
2019.3.21 Assoc. Prof. Okamoto gave presentation at IEICE General Conference 2019.
2019.2.20 Maeda (D2) and Yamagishi (M2) gave presentations at MMS.
2019.2.19 Nagayoshi (M1) gave presentation at AIT.
2019.2.12 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.
2019.2.7 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.
2019.1.24 Members page was updated.
2019.1.10 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2019.1.5 Nan (M2) gave presentation at The 54th JSAP Hokkaido Branches Meeting.
2018.12.18 Hoshino (M2), Zhang and Shiba (M1) gave presentations at The 32nd Symposium on Optical Communication Systems.
2018.11.26 Asst. Prof. Ogawa gave presentation at QIT39.
2018.10.31 Maeda (D2) gave presentation at OPJ 2018.
2018.10.27 Maeda (D2), Hoshino (M2), Zhang (M1) and Kawashima (B4) gave presentations at Joint convention of Institutes for Electrical, Information and Communication Engineers, Hokkaido Branches 2018.
2018.10.24 Zihan Zhou and Hoshino (M2) gave presentations at ISOM 2018.
2018.10.23 Shijie Zhou (M2) and Shiba (M1) gave presentations at ISOM 2018.
2018.10.18 Maeda (D2) gave presentation at MOC 2018.
2018.10.18 Members page was updated.
2018.9.25 Commencement Ceremony and Dean’s Prize Awarding Ceremony of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Fukui (D3) was awarded.)
2018.9.11 Maeda (D2) and Zihan Zhou (M2) gave presentations at IEICE Society Conference 2018.
2018.9.8 Fukui (D3) gave presentation at AQIS 2018.
2018.8.29 Zhang (D1) gave presentation at QCrypt 2018.
2018.8.22 A paper by Fukui (D3) was published.
K. Fukui, A. Tomita, and A. Okamoto, “Tracking quantum error correction,” Phys. Rev. A 98, 022326 (2018). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.98.022326
2018.7.17 Prof. Tomita gave presentation at LPHYS 2018.
2018.6.8 Achievements page was updated.
2018.6.5 Asst. Prof. Ogawa and Zhang (D1) gave presentations at QIT38.
2018.6.4 Fukui (D3) gave presentation at QIT38.
2018.5.28 A paper by Fukui (D3) was released.
2018.5.25 A paper by Fukui (D3) was published. “High-Threshold Fault-tolerant Quantum Computation with Analog Quantum Error Correction,” Phys. Rev. X 8, 021054 (2018). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevX.8.021054
2018.5.25 Members page was updated.
2018.5.11 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2018.4.20 Achievements page was updated.
2018.3.22 Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies (Goto (D3) and Shimizu (M2) were awarded.)
2018.3.2 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2018.2.13 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.
2018.2.13 A paper by Asst. Prof. Ogawa was published.
“Classical reconstruction of interference patterns of position-wave-vector–entangled photon pairs by the time-reversal method,” Phys. Rev. A 97, 023823 (2018). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.97.023823
2018.2.9 A paper was published based on the achievements of Nakata during his doctoral course. “Quantum key distribution with an efficient countermeasure against correlated intensity fluctuations in optical pulses,” npj Quantum Information, vol. 4, no. 8 (2018). DOI:10.1038/s41534-017-0057-8
2018.2.8 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.
2018.1.30 Zihan Zhou and Hoshino (M1) gave presentations at SPIE Photonics West 2018.
2018.1.6 Nan (M1) gave presentation at The 53rd JSAP Hokkaido Branches Meeting.
2017.12.19 Shimizu (M2), Shijie Zhou and Zihan Zhou (M1) gave presentations at The 31st Symposium on Optical Communication Systems.
2017.12.19 Shimizu (M2) won the 2017 IEICE Communications Society OCS Young Researchers Award at The 31st Symposium on Optical Communication Systems.
2017.12.18 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2017.12.12 Members page was updated.
2017.11.24 Shimizu (M2) won the Best Student Award at IWH 2017.
2017.11.23 Goto (D3), Maeda (D1), Shimizu and Mizukawa (M2) gave presentations at IWH 2017.
2017.11.21 Goto (D3), Maeda (D1) and Shimizu (M2) gave presentations at MOC 2017.
2017.11.16 Fukui (D3) and Zhang (M2) gave presentations at QIT37.
2017.11.3 The paper ”Analog Quantum Error Correction with Encoding a Qubit into an Oscillator” by Fukui (D3) was published in Physical Review Letters 119, 180507.
2017.10.31 Goto (D3) gave presentation at OPJ 2017.
2017.10.28 Goto (D3), Shimizu, Mizukawa (M2), Shijie Zhou and Zihan Zhou (M1) gave presentations at Joint convention of Institutes for Electrical, Information and Communication Engineers, Hokkaido Branches 2017.
2017.10.24 Shimizu and Mizukawa (M2) gave presentations at ISOM 2017.
2017.10.18 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2017.10.11 Members page was updated.
2017.9.21 Prof. Tomita gave presentation at QCrypt 2017.
2017.9.14 Mizukawa (M2) gave presentation at OµS 2017.
2017.9.13 Shimizu (M2) gave presentation at OµS 2017.
2017.9.13 Hoshino (M1) gave presentation at IEICE Society Conference 2017.
2017.9.11 Goto (D3) gave presentation at OµS 2017.
2017.9.6 Fukui (D3) gave presentation at AQIS 2017.
2017.9.5 Min (M2) gave presentation at AQIS 2017.
2017.9.1 Maeda (D1) and Shimizu (M2) gave presentations at OCS in August 2017.
2017.8.18 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2017.6.22 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2017.5.30 Asst. Prof. Ogawa gave presentation at QIT36.
2017.5.29 Fukui (D3) and Min (M2) gave presentations at QIT36.
2017.5.10 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2017.5.10 Members page was updated.
2017.4.3 Members page was updated.
2017.3.23 Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies
2017.2.23 Photos have been added to the Gallery.
2017.2.15 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.
2017.2.9 Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.
2017.1.17 Fukui (D2) gave presentation at QIP 2017.
