Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.
片桐 晟博
加藤 寿嗣
桐生 翔平
小島 颯太
清水 忠臣
山田 悠
藤原 智也
Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.
阿良 佳音
伊藤 彰汰
松下 一歩
山本 直輝
Careers after graduation page was updated.
Members page was updated.
Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies
Yoshikata (M2) won the Best Presentation Award at 2023 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest.
Title:”体積ホログラム合分波器を用いたモード選択スイッチにおける回折光位相補償” (Joint convention of Institutes for Electrical, Information and Communication Engineers, Hokkaido Branches 2023【№ 76】)
Careers after graduation page was updated.
Members page was updated.
Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies