Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the master’s thesis presentation.
佐藤 匠
菅原 悠生
渡辺 陵
Members of OPN lab gave presentations at the graduation thesis presentation.
片桐 晟博
加藤 寿嗣
「時間幅の狭いパルスに対する光子検出器の時間応答測定とTime shift attackの可能性検討」
桐生 翔平
山田 悠
Careers after graduation page was updated.
Members page was updated.
Emori (B4) gave presentation at 31th Kanto (Tokyo area) Quantum Information Student Chapter.
量子コンピュータを用いた測定誤差の定量的評価とゲートベンチマーキング (江守 陽規, 岡本 淳, 富田 章久)
Undergraduate and Graduate School Commencement Ceremonies
Emori (B4) gave presentation at NICT Quantum Camp Final Results Presentation 2022.
Emori (B4) won the Best Presentation Award at IEICE Hokkaido Section Student Council Internet Symposium 2022.
Matsumoto (B4) gave presentation at IEICE Hokkaido Section Student Council Internet Symposium 2022.
自己相関関数を用いた光子数分布の測定 (松本 遼司(北海道大学,学部4年), 松浦
巧, 富田 章久, 岡本 淳(北海道大学))